Thursday, July 9, 2009


Boys Will Be Boys.......

I know some people may not like this post, I do not too much either but marriage and raising children is all about compromise. Matt has pellet guns, 2 of them. One is more like a smaller hand gun and the other is somewhat like a rifle. I guess pellet guns are the same as BB guns too. So, Matt has always wanted to show Nathan how to shoot one and Nathan has always wanted wanted to shoot one. After 3 years I finally caved. Since we have a yard and lots of woods they went on to the deck and went a little nutty shooting the guns. There was a huge safety lesson and Nathan was so very careful. Mom was inside trying to decide to look or not to. They both had a great time. Kind of cute I guess. : )

Our House

Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger.

Well, the count down is finally over. The IUI was not successful. We have had an emotional past few weeks and they are about to start up again. A very smart, wonderful person told me “whatever does not kill us makes us stronger”. I am starting to understand that a little better now. We are strong! We want this so badly so we will pick up the pieces and keep on keeping on. : ) We start round 2 in a few days. My doctor has put me on a different kind of medicine as before with the awful clomid. Apparently the side effects are not as intense as the clomid; hopefully it works just as well though. I should be scheduling my next IUI on July 23ish. As always I will keep you posted. Thank you so much for all the prayers and support from everyone. We love you all!!